[비공개] tofle 연습
I disagree with the statement that the government should force rich people to share their wealth with poor people by imposing higher taxes on them. First, imposing higher taxes on the rich is unfair. To be specific, it is unfair to make them pay higer taxes just because they are rich, since most of them earn their money by working hard. Second, there are many voluntary ways to help poor people. For example, rich people can help the poor by making donations or providing community services. These ways are much more beneficial than paying higher taxes. I disagree this statement. First, imposing higher taxes on rich people is unfair. To be specific, it is unfair to make them pay higher taxes just because they are rich, since most of them earn money by working hard. Second, there are many voluntary ways to help poor people. For example, rich people can help the poor by making donations or providing community services. These ways are much more beneficial than paying higher taxes.추천 -
I prefer deciding after taking time to think things over to making decisios instantly. First, decision is very importand. it can affect to rest lives Forexample, marrige and pharchasing an apartment are long term commitment, So it need time to thin deeply. Second, hasty decision leads to mistakes. Forexample, I bought clothes hastly and later regretted because I didn't have enough money to buy textbook for school. First, the decisions we make affect the rest of our lives. For example, things such as marriage and purchasing a house are long term commitments, so they require careful thought. Second, making hasty decisions can lead to mistakes. For example, once I bought clothes hastily without thinking and later regretted it because I did't have enough money to buy my textbooks for school. Try) First, the decisions we make can affect to rest of our lives. For example, things such as marrige and purchsing a house are long term commitments, so they require careful thought. Second, maki..추천 -
[비공개] 토플 주제 연습
1.I think the government should build a park in our community. First. this is healthier. For example, trees give us fresh air. We can use fresh air instead of polluted air. Second, we can do more activity in park. To be specific, we can go picinic and run, walk in park. I think building a park is better than building a library in my community First, people will be able to do more activities at a park than in library. For example, people can go for walks, play sports, or have picinics with friends or family at a park. Second, building a park is better for our health. To be specific, there will be a lot of trees in the park, and they can provide us with fresh air. 2. I think that I prefer to decide after taking time to think things over, First, I can make good decision when I take time to think. For example, I can many direction about result of my choice like buying some car and wedding is very important decision and I need to time to think about it. Second, it is prevent mistake t..추천 -
[비공개] SMR 앞으로 하락할지 보려고 남겨놓음.
SMR 1. Many people go out from SMR in MFI = Perhaps, this is low price, 2. 4시간봉에서는 60일선(10일선)을 지지는 하고 있음. 3. Todya news : Target price : $18추천 -
[비공개] TOFLE TOPIC Practice
I prefer to communicate face to face rather than through email. First, face to face communication can make clear communication. For example, facial expression and body language can transfer inportant information, it is clearer than written form, Second, it is more convenient. To be specific, I can get a immediate response and this has a significant advantage over email. ** I prefer to communicate face to face rather than through email First, being face to face promotes clear communication. For example, facial expressions and body language convey a lot of information, so face to face communication is clearer than written form. Second, talking to someone directly is more convenient.To be spesipic, you can get and immediate response with no delay, and this has a significant advantage over email. I think that the government should build a park in my community. First, people can have more activities in park than in a library. For example, people can walk and picnic with family or frien..추천 -
[비공개] 토플주제
1. Describe an activity that you have recently begun to enjoy. Explain why you enjoy it. Include details and examples to support your explation. 2. Which do you consider to be the most rewarding job among university professor, researcher and journalist? Include details and examples to support your explanation. 3. Describe two cities you have visited. Explain the differences between them. 4. Is it good for a scholl to make volunteer work mandatory? what is your opinion and why? What are some advantages or disadvantages? Use specific examples and details to support your answer. 5. What kind of community service do you think is the most beneficial : teaching senior citizens, cleaning parks, or collecting donations for charity? Include details and examples to support your explanation. 6. Some students like to ask questions to their instructors when they do not understand a topic. Other choose to consult with their classmates. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in y..추천 -
[비공개] 한국상장 인도 ETF
1. KOSEF 인도 Nifty 50 최근 인도 투자 이야기가 많이 들려와서 관심 갖는 중 2. Tiger 인도니프티 50 레버리지 레버리지 상품도 있기는 해서 한주씩 매달 그냥 둘다 사모으기로 생각중 50 배 레버리지는 고점에 가고 있는 중이어서 조금 떨어지면 살까.. *참고 : 미국에서 운영하는 인도 ETF 티커 INDA(ishare MSCI) 전반적으로 종목들이 다 그렇긴하지만 하락추세를 이탈해서 상승으로 가려고 하는 중으로 총평 1. 인도는 장기적으로 보고 분할 매수가 괜찮지 않을까 생각중임. 2. 매월 한주씩 모아서 10년이상 가는 걸로...추천 -
[비공개] 마지막 전달하기
오늘 계속 보고 있었던 인원이 하늘나라로 감. 사망이란 말을 쓰고 싶지 않아서 하늘나라로 갔다고 쓰고 있는데 그게 무슨 소용일까 싶기도... '16:30부 사망했습니다.' 보고하는 중에 이전에 있었던 11월에 실시해야하는 조치들 그리고 치료과정을 지우면서 많은 생각이 들었음. 우리는 현재를 살고 있는 것이고 열심히 해야겠다.. 반성하게 됨. 미래를 지우고 현재에서 종지부를 찍는 과정이 쉽지 않구나 생각이 많이 들었음. 가족들도 힘들고, 계속 의식이 있는 본인도 너무 힘들고.. 힘든 이야기의 끝이 해피엔딩이기를 바랬는데 결국 책을 덮이고 말았다. 다음에는 더욱 행복하기를..추천 -
[비공개] 비트코인 다시 상승 화요일 주식시장 상승할까?
비트코인 다시 상승 줌. 원인은 2가지로 봄. 1. 테슬라 일론 머스크의 도지 매수 트윗 도지코인 샀고, 계속 살거라고 그래서 오름... 2021년 폰지사기에 도지코인도 관련되어있어서 도지코인은 이제 좀 그런거 같은데 도지코인이 좋은 이유 하나는 일론머스크가 담당자라는게 큰 호재인것 같다. 2. 러시아-유럽 휴전 협정 시작? 아주 가시화된 내용은 아니지만 마크롱과 바이든 연임과 관련해서 러시아-우크라이나를 해결해서 어느정도 수급을 서로 해결하려는 움직임이 보인다는 내용이 나오고 있음. 협정은 우크라이나를 제외하고 유럽과 러시아가 협의를 할 확률이 높다고 함. 뭐 연임이 문제가 아니라 전세계가 이 둘때문에 문제이니 어떻게든 해결보려고 노력하는 것 같음. 특히 곧 겨울이 되면 다시 코로나19의 재유행이 발생할 수도 있고 원숭이 ..추천 -
[비공개] 할머니 병문안 다녀옴.
1. 오늘 할머니 병문안 다녀옴. 할머니가 2주동안 더 수척해지심. 내가 누군지 잘 못알아보시는데 그래도 이름을 이야기하니까 누군지는 아셨음. 2주전에 다녀갓는데 기억을 잘 못하시는듯. 아마 장기기억은 괜찮은데 단기기억은 이제 작동을 잘안하시는 것일수도 있겠다.. 2. 다음에 면회갈때는 반드시 유산균!! 음료수!! 수박!! 챙겨서 가기. 오늘 뭐사갈지 엄청 고민하다가 어제 뚜레주르에서 양갱 사서 갔는데 다른 사람들은 음식 어마어마하게 싸서온거... 우리 할머니만 먹을거 없을거 같아서 내가 더 민망... ㅜㅜ 다음에 면회올때 맛있는거 사오다니까 좋아하셨는데 다음엔 꼭 잊지말고 사가야지.. 3. 할머니 아픈거 모르는척하면서 면회함. 다 나으면 빨리 할머니집 가서 놀자. 놀러갈거니깐 얼른 퇴원하라고 말해줌. 그랬더니 '나는 집에 가려면 오..추천