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thirdtype's network

블로그"thirdtype's network"에 대한 검색결과1862건
  • [비공개] Daughtry - Over You

    I guess it`s really over. I`m finally getting better. And now I`m picking up the pieces. I`m spending all of these years Putting my heart back together. `Cause the day I thought I`d never get through, I got over you. You took a hammer to these walls, Dragged the memories down the hall, Packed your bags and walked away. There was nothing I could say. And when you slammed the front door shut, A lot of others opened up, So did my eyes so I could see That you never were the best for me. Well, I never saw it coming. I should`ve started running A long, long time ago. And I never thought I`d doubt you, I`m better off without you More than you, more than you know. I`m slowly getting closure. I guess it`s really over. I`m finally getting better. And now I`m picking up the pieces. I`m spending all of these years Putting my heart back together. `Cause the day I thought I`d never get through, I got over you. Well, I never saw it coming. I should`ve started running ..
    thirdtype's network|2011-09-08 11:30 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] 생일 축하~ [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo: (Shared using Steply)
    thirdtype's network|2011-09-02 03:45 pm|추천


  • [비공개] DSC00364.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-28 04:14 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00363.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-28 04:14 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00368.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-28 04:13 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00366.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-28 04:13 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00354.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-21 07:42 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00358.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-21 07:42 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00357.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-21 07:42 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] DSC00360.JPG [Flickr]

    thirdtype posted a photo:
    thirdtype's network|2011-08-21 07:41 pm|추천


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