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경원식의 마케팅 세상

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  • [비공개] Rascals Rudiments: Kids Getting Bolder..

    Rascals Rudiments: Kids Getting Bolder Younger! by Nic Jones July 2, 2007 issue For many years we, as marketers to young people, have been hounded by the doctrine (or is it the enigma!) that our kids are getting older younger (KGOY). I first came across this supposition in the early 1990s and I must admit that it made sense to me at the time. However, it's 15 years later and the expression is still with us. By now, surely, our children should be going to university at 12, driving cars at 10, and learning to read while in the womb! What I'm saying is that the true developmental facts don't bear.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-07-10 08:55 am|추천


  • [비공개] Raising the Chocolate Bar

    Raising the Chocolate Bar by Joe Ray July 9, 2007 issue Chocolate lovers can be crudely lumped into two categories: chompers and savorers. The former, a much larger group, will rip open a package and chomp away, grunting with pleasure as they go, while savorers will patiently let a small hunk melt on their tongues, picking out flavor characteristics as they go. Modican chocolate, a Sicilian favorite whose popularity has been growing exponentially for more than a decade, is a curious point of conversion for the two groups. Heating the cocoa to a relatively very low temperature melts the cocoa b.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-07-10 08:41 am|추천


  • [비공개] [펌]"한국 학생들에겐 영어가 전부"

    "한국 학생들에겐 영어가 전부" 연합뉴스 | 기사입력 2007-07-02 22:41 `교육 엑서더스' 등 한국내 영어교육 `광풍' 소개 "부모들, 자녀 교육에 많은 돈 퍼붓기도" (워싱턴=연합뉴스) 김병수 특파원 = "오늘날 한국에선 영어를 마스터하는 것만큼 미래를 보장하는 게 없다" 미국의 유력지인 워싱턴포스트(WP)가 2일 영어교육을 위해 자녀들을 조기유학시키고, 아직 세상에 나오지도 않은 아이를 위해 `영어태교'를 시키는 등 영어 교육에 막대한 돈을 퍼붓고 있는 한국의 영어교육 광풍을 소개했다. 매사추세츠주 맬보로우의 남학생 기숙학교인 힐사이트스쿨에서 8학년 과정을 마친 김민규(15세) 학생은 여름방학을 이용, 잠시 귀국했.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-07-03 09:03 am|추천


  • [비공개] Why Brand Veneer Must Reflect a Real S..

    Why Brand Veneer Must Reflect a Real Soul Sustainable Branding: Five Steps to Gaining the Approval of the Environmentally Conscientious Consumer By Greg Owsley Published: June 25, 2007 "I'll admit it: I'm a sucker for a company that demonstrates it has a real soul." It was the opinion of just one individual in a focus group of beer drinkers I sat in on last year, but it inspired head nodding around the room. The moderator had posed the question, "Are a company's social and environmental values and practices a part of your purchasing decision?" Not your typical question to ask in a beer-consump.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-07-02 11:11 am|추천


  • [비공개] Jollibee vs. McDonald’s: Small Can Be ..

    Case study 2 Jollibee vs. McDonald’s: Small Can Be Beautiful When someone says “fast-food restaurant,” what’s the first name that comes to mind? Chances are its McDonald’s, the world’s largest food service organization. McDonald’s holds a 43 percent share of the U.S. fast-food burger market, many times the share of its nearest competitor. Ask the same question in the Philippines, however, and the first name uttered will likely be Jollibee. That’s tight, Jollibee. In the grand scheme of global commerce, Jollibee Food Corporation isn’t exactly a household name. But in its niche, the Phi.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-06-26 06:30 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Don't Ignore the Boomer Consumer

    Don't Ignore the Boomer Consumer by Alycia de Mesa June 25, 2007 issue Boomers are reported to spend a staggering US$ 2.3 trillion in annual household expenditures (twice the amount of 18- to 39-year-olds), enjoy the highest incomes of any age group, and were born during a fortunate crack in history to cash in on the real estate and stock booms. Yet despite Boomers' trillion-dollar spending power, Madison Avenue still views 18- to 39-year-olds as the prime demographic to target, paying an average of 25 to 50 percent more to target younger adults, according to research commissioned by TV Land (.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-06-25 06:26 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Office Depot: “Thank you for calling…”

    Company Case Office Depot: “Thank you for calling…” “Thank you for calling Office Depot. All of customer service representatives are busy serving other customers. Please stay on the line, and you will be connected to the next available agent.” “Thank you for calling Office Depot. Your call may be monitored and recorded for use in customer service representative training.” Steve Haine switched the telephone receiver to his right hand and glanced at his watch. He’d been on hold for almost ten minutes and had listened as the automated system repeated the pair of messages about every minut.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-06-25 10:09 am|추천


  • [비공개] Lifetime Customer Value

    Lifetime Customer Value New business is great, but generally it's a lot cheaper to hold on to existing customers. John Berry, eCFO September 15, 2001 In the primordial days of E-commerce — circa 1998 — E-tailers spent a great deal of capital on marketing and advertising. The idea was pretty simple. Convinced that they had to establish market dominance early on, E-commerce operators looked to generate as many sales as possible — no matter the cost of those sales. In their eyes, quantity was quality. It isn't. In the rush to become the next Amazon.com, some pureplay dotcoms act.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-06-23 04:51 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Marketing Myopia-Theodore Levitt

    Marketing Myopia Theodore Levitt Reprinted by permission of the publishers from Edward C. Bursk and John F. Chapman, eds., Modern Marketing Strategy (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, @ 1964), by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; originally published in the Harvard Business Review, 38 (July-August 1960), pp. 24-47. The retrospective commentary was published in the Harvard Business Review, 53 (September-October 1975), copyright @ by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved. Every major industry was once a growth industry. But some that are now ridi.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-06-21 02:28 pm|추천


  • [비공개] The Fanatic: A Brand's Best Friend?

    The Fanatic: A Brand's Best Friend? by Edwin Colyer June 18, 2007 issue We all know them. Say the magic word—"Apple"—and off they go. They preach the virtues of the superior Mac and denounce the skeptical population of PC users. They are fanatics; they love Macs and all things Apple. And they are probably Apple's most effective sales force. George Masters is one of these fans. He loves his iPod. One day he was listening to the song "Tiny Machine" by the Darling Buds and suddenly, so he says, "visual imagery started flowing to me." In his spare time he produced an animation of iPods.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2007-06-19 08:44 am|추천


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