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블로그"Asker"에 대한 검색결과834건
  • [비공개] 해외업체 001

    https://www.appvirality.com/referrals-ecommerce 모바일 기반
    Asker|2017-04-04 02:20 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 해외업체 001

    https://www.appvirality.com/referrals-ecommerce 모바일 기반
    Asker|2017-04-04 02:20 pm|추천


  • [비공개] referral image

    (글의 앞부분이 이미지 혹은 HTML 태그만으로 되어있습니다)
    Asker|2017-04-02 01:18 am|추천


  • [비공개] referral image

    (글의 앞부분이 이미지 혹은 HTML 태그만으로 되어있습니다)
    Asker|2017-04-02 01:18 am|추천


  • [비공개] The State of Referral Marketing in 2017

    The State of Referral Marketing in 2017: A Web Profits Analysisby Sujan Patel under Marketing2015 was the year of content marketing.In 2016, all anybody could talk about was influencer marketing.So what’s 2017 going to be about? While effective web marketing tactics abound, we’re putting our money on referral marketing as this year’s hottest trend.That’s not to say that referral marketing is new. In fact, it’s been around since retailers realized it was more effective to leverage their satisfied customers to drive new sales than to drum up purchases from a cold audience.Re.......
    Asker|2017-04-02 12:43 am|추천


  • [비공개] The State of Referral Marketing in 2017

    The State of Referral Marketing in 2017: A Web Profits Analysisby Sujan Patel under Marketing2015 was the year of content marketing.In 2016, all anybody could talk about was influencer marketing.So what’s 2017 going to be about? While effective web marketing tactics abound, we’re putting our money on referral marketing as this year’s hottest trend.That’s not to say that referral marketing is new. In fact, it’s been around since retailers realized it was more effective to leverage their satisfied customers to drive new sales than to drum up purchases from a cold audience.Re.......
    Asker|2017-04-02 12:43 am|추천


  • [비공개] Why Influencer Marketing Will Explode ..

    Why Influencer Marketing Will Explode In 2017A recent survey revealed 84% of marketers plan on executing at least one influencer marketing campaign during the next 12 months.But what exactly is “influencer marketing”? Well, it’s the grey territory between an official testimonial and a subtle product mention, which is done almost in passing.The best example is to imagine that you are back in high school. You walk down the hallway, backpack straps pulled tight. And suddenly, you stroll past the “popular crowd” of girls—who, metaphorically speaking, would be Kylie Jenne.......
    Asker|2017-04-02 12:29 am|추천


  • [비공개] Why Influencer Marketing Will Explode ..

    Why Influencer Marketing Will Explode In 2017A recent survey revealed 84% of marketers plan on executing at least one influencer marketing campaign during the next 12 months.But what exactly is “influencer marketing”? Well, it’s the grey territory between an official testimonial and a subtle product mention, which is done almost in passing.The best example is to imagine that you are back in high school. You walk down the hallway, backpack straps pulled tight. And suddenly, you stroll past the “popular crowd” of girls—who, metaphorically speaking, would be Kylie Jenne.......
    Asker|2017-04-02 12:29 am|추천


  • [비공개] Why Influencer Marketing Is So Big Now

     By: Eric Lam Posted: October 20, 2016 | Content Marketing Influencer marketing is exploding onto the scene. It’s the hottest topic—all the rage—we need to be doing it now!Wait, hold on a second. What exactly is it again?Oh yeah, it’s a marketing strategy that uses highly influential people to promote your brand, which makes it a lot like leveraging spokespeople…which means that it’s been around for, well, thousands of years actually.Why Influencer Marketing Is So Big NowThere are two important reasons why brands are using influencer marketing more than ever. The first .......
    Asker|2017-04-02 12:08 am|추천


  • [비공개] Why Influencer Marketing Is So Big Now

     By: Eric Lam Posted: October 20, 2016 | Content Marketing Influencer marketing is exploding onto the scene. It’s the hottest topic—all the rage—we need to be doing it now!Wait, hold on a second. What exactly is it again?Oh yeah, it’s a marketing strategy that uses highly influential people to promote your brand, which makes it a lot like leveraging spokespeople…which means that it’s been around for, well, thousands of years actually.Why Influencer Marketing Is So Big NowThere are two important reasons why brands are using influencer marketing more than ever. The first .......
    Asker|2017-04-02 12:08 am|추천


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