[비공개] 노키아 모바일 애드 네트웍스 구축
노키아에서 왜 광고 사업에 진출한다고 합니다. Nokia Creates One-Stop Ad Network for Mobile Publishers Nokia has created its own mobile advertising network. The Nokia Media Network has signed 70 participating publishers, including Reuters and Hearst. Nokia will sell premium ad space on mobile sites from publishers, as well as on its own sites. Publishers are drawn to the promise of a one-stop solution for ad-buying on mobile sites, which should yield higher revenue. Nokia also announced it would add Google's search engine to the options in its Nokia Search applications, available on select hands.......추천 -
[비공개] 노키아 모바일 애드 네트웍스 구축
노키아에서 왜 광고 사업에 진출한다고 합니다. Nokia Creates One-Stop Ad Network for Mobile Publishers Nokia has created its own mobile advertising network. The Nokia Media Network has signed 70 participating publishers, including Reuters and Hearst. Nokia will sell premium ad space on mobile sites from publishers, as well as on its own sites. Publishers are drawn to the promise of a one-stop solution for ad-buying on mobile sites, which should yield higher revenue. Nokia also announced it would add Google's search engine to the options in its Nokia Search applications, available on select hands.......추천 -
[비공개] 노키아 모바일 애드 네트웍스 구축
노키아에서 왜 광고 사업에 진출한다고 합니다. Nokia Creates One-Stop Ad Network for Mobile Publishers Nokia has created its own mobile advertising network. The Nokia Media Network has signed 70 participating publishers, including Reuters and Hearst. Nokia will sell premium ad space on mobile sites from publishers, as well as on its own sites. Publishers are drawn to the promise of a one-stop solution for ad-buying on mobile sites, which should yield higher revenue. Nokia also announced it would add Google's search engine to the options in its Nokia Search applications, available on select hands.......추천 -
[비공개] 노키아 모바일 애드 네트웍스 구축
노키아에서 왜 광고 사업에 진출한다고 합니다. Nokia Creates One-Stop Ad Network for Mobile Publishers Nokia has created its own mobile advertising network. The Nokia Media Network has signed 70 participating publishers, including Reuters and Hearst. Nokia will sell premium ad space on mobile sites from publishers, as well as on its own sites. Publishers are drawn to the promise of a one-stop solution for ad-buying on mobile sites, which should yield higher revenue. Nokia also announced it would add Google's search engine to the options in its Nokia Search applications, available on select hands.......추천 -
[비공개] 광고 카테고리별 매체 비용 전망 2008
Adspend Global Online Ad Revenue Expected to Rise*Global online ad revenue is expected to reach $13 billion by year end 2005 up from $9.6 billion in 2004 *Online ad revenue growth is nearly five times the growth of most traditional companies. Source: "Internet Mergers: Who's Next?" BusinessWeek Online 29 August 2005 Online Ad Impressions By Industry*Online display impressions jumped to 102.9 billion in July 2005 up from 91.4 billion impressions in April *MySpace alone accounted for 10.8 percent of July 2005 impressions *Yahoo Mail and MSN Hotmail contributed to 7.6 percent and 6.9 percent of t.......추천 -
[비공개] 광고 카테고리별 매체 비용 전망 2008
Adspend Global Online Ad Revenue Expected to Rise*Global online ad revenue is expected to reach $13 billion by year end 2005 up from $9.6 billion in 2004 *Online ad revenue growth is nearly five times the growth of most traditional companies. Source: "Internet Mergers: Who's Next?" BusinessWeek Online 29 August 2005 Online Ad Impressions By Industry*Online display impressions jumped to 102.9 billion in July 2005 up from 91.4 billion impressions in April *MySpace alone accounted for 10.8 percent of July 2005 impressions *Yahoo Mail and MSN Hotmail contributed to 7.6 percent and 6.9 percent of t.......추천 -
[비공개] 광고 카테고리별 매체 비용 전망 2008
Adspend Global Online Ad Revenue Expected to Rise*Global online ad revenue is expected to reach $13 billion by year end 2005 up from $9.6 billion in 2004 *Online ad revenue growth is nearly five times the growth of most traditional companies. Source: "Internet Mergers: Who's Next?" BusinessWeek Online 29 August 2005 Online Ad Impressions By Industry*Online display impressions jumped to 102.9 billion in July 2005 up from 91.4 billion impressions in April *MySpace alone accounted for 10.8 percent of July 2005 impressions *Yahoo Mail and MSN Hotmail contributed to 7.6 percent and 6.9 percent of t.......추천 -
[비공개] 광고 카테고리별 매체 비용 전망 2008
Adspend Global Online Ad Revenue Expected to Rise*Global online ad revenue is expected to reach $13 billion by year end 2005 up from $9.6 billion in 2004 *Online ad revenue growth is nearly five times the growth of most traditional companies. Source: "Internet Mergers: Who's Next?" BusinessWeek Online 29 August 2005 Online Ad Impressions By Industry*Online display impressions jumped to 102.9 billion in July 2005 up from 91.4 billion impressions in April *MySpace alone accounted for 10.8 percent of July 2005 impressions *Yahoo Mail and MSN Hotmail contributed to 7.6 percent and 6.9 percent of t.......추천 -
[비공개] 중앙 일보 미디어 마케팅 - WSJ 유료화 정책
중앙일보 미디어마케팅연구소 송명석 J-AD 플라자(http://ad.joins.com) Murdoch "완전 무료화 안 한다" 전격 발표 언론 재벌 Rupert Murdoch이 스스로 특종을 만들어 냈습니다. 그는 올 1월 24 일 스위스 다보스에서 열린 세계 경제포럼에서 "월 스트리트 저널 웹사이트인 WSJ.com를 완전 무료화하지 않겠다"고 전격 발표했습니다. 이 발표는 웹사이트를 소유한 Dow Jones 본사 발표보다 수 시간 빠른 것입니다. 참고로 Murdoch가 이끄는 News Corporation은 작년 12월 13일 정식으로 Dow Jones를 인수했습니다. Murdoch은 웹사이트 무료화를 통해 순방문자수를 늘려 광고 수입을 늘린다는 계획을 추진할 것으로 예상되었습니다. 지난 수 개월에.......추천 -
[비공개] 중앙 일보 미디어 마케팅 - WSJ 유료화 정책
중앙일보 미디어마케팅연구소 송명석 J-AD 플라자(http://ad.joins.com) Murdoch "완전 무료화 안 한다" 전격 발표 언론 재벌 Rupert Murdoch이 스스로 특종을 만들어 냈습니다. 그는 올 1월 24 일 스위스 다보스에서 열린 세계 경제포럼에서 "월 스트리트 저널 웹사이트인 WSJ.com를 완전 무료화하지 않겠다"고 전격 발표했습니다. 이 발표는 웹사이트를 소유한 Dow Jones 본사 발표보다 수 시간 빠른 것입니다. 참고로 Murdoch가 이끄는 News Corporation은 작년 12월 13일 정식으로 Dow Jones를 인수했습니다. Murdoch은 웹사이트 무료화를 통해 순방문자수를 늘려 광고 수입을 늘린다는 계획을 추진할 것으로 예상되었습니다. 지난 수 개월에.......추천