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블로그"단서"에 대한 검색결과1298건
  • [비공개] 전형적인 마켓 심리사이클 10단계

    The Investor Psychology Cycle 각 단계별로 투자자의 심리적 행동양식을 관찰해보자. Contempt : a bull market starts when market is at a low and investors scorn stocks Doubt and suspicion : the investors are trying to decide if to invest what whey have left in low risk instruments as money market fund or not, because they lost a lot with stocks and they do not want to loose againCaution : now, the first sighs of market recovery are seen. Most investors stand in the same position but prudent investors are already drooling at the possibility of profitConfidence : usually.......
    단서|2009-08-17 07:11 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 미래에셋자산운용의 주요 보유 종목 지분율

    미래에셋자산운용의 주요 보유 종목 지분율 OCI - 13.51% LS - 10.62% LG생명과학 - 12.16% CJ오쇼핑* - 12.83% 효성 - 11.57% 한미약품 - 11.31% 제일모직 - 11.87% 엔씨소프트 - 13.24% 소디프신소재* - 12.96% 서울반도체* - 12.1% 삼성테크윈 - 13.14% 삼성디지털이미징 - 9.91% 현대해상 - 5.11% 삼성화재 - 5.11% 삼성물산 - 5.24% LG화학 - 9.76% 한진해운 - 6.1% SK네트웍스 - 4.88% 현대제철 - 7.35% LG이노텍 - 7.08% * 금융감독원 전자공시시스템
    단서|2009-08-17 06:19 pm|추천


  • [비공개] JK Wedding Entrance Dance

    유명해진 결혼식 장면/ 크리스브라운의 Forever 라는 음악이 인상적입니다. Jill and Kevin's Wedding http://www.jkweddingdance.com/
    단서|2009-08-14 12:10 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Ferrari 458 Italia

    Ferrari 458 Italia – F430’s replacement revealed
    단서|2009-08-12 03:57 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 2NE1(투애니 원) - I Don`t Care

    I Don`t Care 아티스트 - 2NE1(투애니 원) 관련앨범 - 2NE1 1st Mini Album I Don`t Care-2NE1(투애..
    단서|2009-08-10 01:54 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Lorraine Mondial Air Ballons 2009

    Lorraine Mondial Air Ballons 2009 329 balloons hot air balloons took place at the biennial Lorraine Mondial Air Ballons rally in Chambley, France last week. flickr
    단서|2009-08-10 01:26 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 자전거용 커피 홀더

    Austrian Paul Kweton has designed the Ring-O-Star bike cup holder 자출족에게 정말 필요한 아이템. 단순한 아이디어가 가장 효율적인듯...
    단서|2009-08-10 01:16 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 거리 예술..

    The urban street art by Aakash Nihalani
    단서|2009-08-10 12:58 pm|추천


  • [비공개] LED 스프레이 페인트

    halo - LED Spray Paint Source
    단서|2009-08-10 12:53 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Stefan Beutler

    The portrait photograph by Stefan Beutler.
    단서|2009-08-10 12:47 pm|추천


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