[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter20] 5. 개발 프로세스 관리하기: 컨셉..
5. 개발 프로세스 관리하기: 컨셉트에서 전략까지(Managing the Development Process: Concept to Strategy)5-1. Concept Development and Testing1) CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT2) CONCEPT TESTING3) CONJOINT ANALYSIS5-2. Marketing Strategy Development5-3. Business Analysis1) ESTIMATING TOTAL SALES2) ESTIMATING COSTS AND PROFITS추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter20] 4. 개발 프로세스 관리하기: 아이디어
4. 개발 프로세스 관리하기: 아이디어(Managing the Development Process: Ideas)4-1. Generating Ideas■ The demand landscape■ The opportunity space■ The strategic blueprint1) INTERACTING WITH OTHERS2) INTERACTING WITH EMPLOYEES3) STUDYING COMPETITORS4) ADOPTING CREATIVITY TECHNIQUES[정리] 창의성을 높이는 기법■ Attribute listing■ Forced relationships■ Morphological analysis■ Reverse assumption analysis■ New contexts■ Mind mapping4-2. Using Idea Screening추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter20] 3. 신제품 개발조직 꾸리기
3. 신제품 개발조직 꾸리기(Organizational Arrangements)3-1. Budgeting for New-Product Development3-2. Organizing New-Product Development1) CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMS2) STAGE-GATE SYSTEMS추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter20] 2. 신제품 개발의 도전
2. 신제품 개발의 도전(Challenges in New-Product Development)2-1. The Innovation Imperative2-2. New-Product Success2-3. New-Product Failure[정리] 신제품 실패의 주요 원인■ ignored or misinterpreted market research■ overestimates of market size■ high development costs■ poor design or ineffectual performance ■ incorrect positioning, advertising, or price■ insufficient distribution support■ competitors who fight back hard■ inadequate ROI or payback[정리] 신제품 실패의 추가적인 원인■ Shortage of important ideas in certain areas■ Fragmented markets■ Social, economic, and governmenta.......추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter20] 1. 신제품 옵션
Chapter 20. Introducing New Market Offerings1. 신제품 옵션(New-Product Options)1-1. Make or Buy1-2. Types of New Products(계속 업데이트 됩니다)추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter19] 5. 인적판매의 원리
5. 인적판매의 원리(Principles of Personal Selling)[정리] SPIN 방법론■ Situation questions■ Problem questions■ Implication questions■ Need-payoff questions5-1. The Six Steps1) PROSPECTING AND QUALIFYING2) PREAPPROACH3) PRESENTATION AND DEMONSTRATION4) OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS5) CLOSING6) FOLLOW-UP AND MAINTENANCE5-2. Relationship Marketing추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter19] 5. 영업조직 관리하기
5. 영업조직 관리하기(Managing the Sales Force)5-1. Recruiting and Selecting Representatives5-2. Training and Supervising Sales Representatives5-3. Sales Rep Productivity1) NORMS FOR PROSPECT CALLS2) USING SALES TIME EFFICIENTLY3) SALES TECHNOLOGY5-4. Motivating Sales Representatives1) INTRINSIC VERSUS EXTRINSIC REWARDS2) SALES QUOTAS5-5. Evaluating Sales Representatives1) SOURCES OF INFORMATION2) FORMAL EVALUATION추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter19] 4. 영업조직 설계하기
4.영업조직 설계하기(Designing the Sales Force)[정리] 영업사원(sales representative)의 6가지 포지션■ Deliverer■ Order taker■ Missionary■ Technician■ Demand creator■ Solution vendor4-1. Sales Force Objectives and Strategy[정리] 영업사원(salespeople)의 임무■ Prospecting■ Targeting■ Communicating■ Selling■ Servicing■ Information gathering■ Allocating4-2. Sales Force Structure4-3. Sales Force Size4-4. Sales Force Compensation추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter19] 3. 입소문
3. 입소문(Word of Mouth)3-1. Social Media1) ONLINE COMMUNITIES AND FORUMS2) BLOGS3) USING SOCIAL MEDIA3-2. Buzz and Viral Marketing3-3. Opinion Leaders3-4. Measuring the Effects of Word of Mouth추천 -
[비공개] [마케팅관리론 Chapter19] 2. 상호작용 마케팅
2. 상호작용 마케팅(Interactive Marketing)2-1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interactive Marketing2-2. Interactive Marketing Communication Options1) WEB SITES2) SEARCH ADS3) DISPLAY ADS4) E-MAIL5) MOBILE MARKETING■ Mobile marketing options■ Developing mobile marketing programs추천